Barnes Bullets Barnes TAC-XPD 9MM+P 115 Grain TAC-XP Hollow Point Lead Free - 20 Round Box, California Certified Nonlead Ammunition MSRP: $29.95 Was: Now: $25.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes VOR-TX 6.5 Grendel Tipped Triple Shock X (TTSX) 115 Grain - 20 Round Bx MSRP: $44.99 Was: Now: $37.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes 40S&W 140 Grain TAC-XP Hollow Point Lead Free - 20 Round Box, California Certified Nonlead Ammunition MSRP: $50.95 Was: Now: $26.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes TAC-XPD 357 MAG 125 Grain TAC-XP Hollow Point Lead Free - 20 Round Box, California Certified Nonlead Ammunition MSRP: $39.95 Was: Now: $34.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes 21529 VOR-TX 7MM REM 160 Grain Tipped TSX Boat-Tail Lead Free - 20 Rounds per Box MSRP: $62.99 Was: Now: $56.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes 21526 VOR-TX 7MM REM 140 Grain Tipped Triple Shock X Boat Tail Lead Free - 20 Rounds per Box MSRP: $64.99 Was: Now: $57.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes LONG-RANGE X .308/30Cal Reloading Bullets - 50 Count, 190Gr, LRX Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead MSRP: $49.99 Was: Now: $45.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes, TSX .308 Diameter 30 Caliber 180 Grain Boat Tail Hollow Point Bullets - California Certified Nonlead, 50 Count per Box MSRP: $48.99 Was: Now: $45.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets VOR-TX 10mm Auto 155 gr XPB - 20 rounds per Box MSRP: $40.95 Was: Now: $36.95 Choose Options
Sale Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets MATCH BURNER Reloading Bullets -.264/6.5MM, 100 Count, 140Gr, Match Burner Boat Tail MSRP: $38.99 Was: $35.99 Now: $29.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes VARMINT GRENADE .243 Diameter 6MM/243 Winchester 62 Grain Flat Bottom Hollow Point Reloading Bullets - California Certified Nonlead, 250 Count MSRP: $88.95 Was: Now: $84.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes VARMIN-A-TOR .243 Diameter 6MM/243 Winchester 58 Grain Flat Bottom Hollow Point Reloading Bullets - 100 Count MSRP: $29.95 Was: Now: $27.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets BARNES AMMO .300 AAC BLACKOUT 120GR. JHP FB - 20 per Box MSRP: Was: Now: $26.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes LONG-RANGE X .308/30Cal Reloading Bullets - 50 Count, 175Gr, LRX Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead MSRP: $45.99 Was: Now: $42.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes VOR-TX 9mm Luger 115gr XPB - 20 rds per Box MSRP: $26.95 Was: Now: $23.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes TSX .308/30Cal 168Gr. Boat Tail Hollow Point Reloading Bullets - 50 Count, California Certified Nonlead MSRP: $42.99 Was: Now: $38.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes LONG-RANGE X .264/6.5MM 127Gr Bullets - 50 Count, LRX Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead MSRP: $42.99 Was: Now: $37.99 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes TIPPED TSX .277/27Cal Reloading Bullets - 50 Count, 130Gr, Ballistic Tip Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead MSRP: $39.99 Was: Now: $37.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets MATCH BURNER Reloading Bullets -.264/6.5MM, 100 Count, 120Gr, Match Burner Boat Tail MSRP: $36.95 Was: Now: $32.95 Choose Options
Sale Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets LONG-RANGE X Reloading Bullets - .277/27Cal, 50 Count, 129Gr, LRX Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead MSRP: $42.99 Was: $39.99 Now: $37.95 Choose Options
Sale Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets TIPPED TSX Reloading Bullets - .257/25Cal, 50 Count, 100Gr, Ballistic Tip Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead MSRP: $39.99 Was: $37.99 Now: $35.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets LONG-RANGE X, Reloading Bullets - .308/30Cal, 50 Count, 208Gr, LRX Boat Tail MSRP: $47.99 Was: Now: $45.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets MATCH BURNER Reloading Bullets - .243/6MM, 100 Count, 112Gr, Match Burner Boat Tail MSRP: $39.95 Was: Now: $34.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes TAC-XPD 9MM+P 115 Grain TAC-XP Hollow Point Lead Free - 20 Round Box, California Certified Nonlead Ammunition The Optimized Solution for Personal and Home Defense. Loaded with the venerable Barnes TAC-XP bullets, TAC-XPD ammunition is engineered and designed to deliver top performance when it is most... MSRP: $29.95 Was: Now: $25.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes VOR-TX 6.5 Grendel Tipped Triple Shock X (TTSX) 115 Grain - 20 Round Bx Barnes® VOR-TX® is precision ammunition loaded with the deadliest bullets on the planet. Barnes, the leader in bullet innovation offers hunters the ultimate in accuracy, terminal performance... MSRP: $44.99 Was: Now: $37.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes 40S&W 140 Grain TAC-XP Hollow Point Lead Free - 20 Round Box, California Certified Nonlead Ammunition The Optimized Solution for Personal and Home Defense. Loaded with the venerable Barnes TAC-XP bullets, TAC-XPD ammunition is engineered and designed to deliver top performance when it is most... MSRP: $50.95 Was: Now: $26.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes TAC-XPD 357 MAG 125 Grain TAC-XP Hollow Point Lead Free - 20 Round Box, California Certified Nonlead Ammunition Barnes TAC-XPD ammunition is optimized for carry and home defense use. Loaded with the popular Barnes TAC-XP bullet it is designed to deliver top performance when it matters the most. The TAC-XP's... MSRP: $39.95 Was: Now: $34.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes 21529 VOR-TX 7MM REM 160 Grain Tipped TSX Boat-Tail Lead Free - 20 Rounds per Box These all-copper bullets provide destructive power, double-diameter expansion, maximum weight retention, and devastating energy transfer – all with excellent accuracy. MSRP: $62.99 Was: Now: $56.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes 21526 VOR-TX 7MM REM 140 Grain Tipped Triple Shock X Boat Tail Lead Free - 20 Rounds per Box These all-copper bullets provide destructive power, double-diameter expansion, maximum weight retention, and devastating energy transfer – all with excellent accuracy. MSRP: $64.99 Was: Now: $57.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes LONG-RANGE X .308/30Cal Reloading Bullets - 50 Count, 190Gr, LRX Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead Specifically engineered razor-sharp petals produce massive wound channels even in dense, thick-skinned game. With deeper penetration, near double diameter expansion and higher weight retention than... MSRP: $49.99 Was: Now: $45.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes, TSX .308 Diameter 30 Caliber 180 Grain Boat Tail Hollow Point Bullets - California Certified Nonlead, 50 Count per Box These all-copper bullets have unmatched accuracy, reduced barrel fouling, and increased velocity – making them deadliest, most dependable hunting bullet you can buy. MSRP: $48.99 Was: Now: $45.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets VOR-TX 10mm Auto 155 gr XPB - 20 rounds per Box The XPB bullets deliver deep penetration and double diameter expansion for maximum weight retention and DRT performance. MSRP: $40.95 Was: Now: $36.95 Choose Options
Sale Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets MATCH BURNER Reloading Bullets -.264/6.5MM, 100 Count, 140Gr, Match Burner Boat Tail COMPETITIVE MATCH As tactical, 3-Gun and High Power competition heats up, Barnes responds with competitively priced lead core match-grade bullets. Competitive shooters looking for that “better... MSRP: $38.99 Was: $35.99 Now: $29.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes VARMINT GRENADE .243 Diameter 6MM/243 Winchester 62 Grain Flat Bottom Hollow Point Reloading Bullets - California Certified Nonlead, 250 Count Featuring a frangible copper-tin powdered metal core surrounded by a gilding metal jacket for instant fragmentation, these bullets expend energy quickly, seldom exit large predators, and leave... MSRP: $88.95 Was: Now: $84.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes VARMIN-A-TOR .243 Diameter 6MM/243 Winchester 58 Grain Flat Bottom Hollow Point Reloading Bullets - 100 Count Featuring a hollow point design with scored nose cavity, the thin tapered jacket fragments violently on impact vaporizing any predator or varmint in its path. MSRP: $29.95 Was: Now: $27.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets BARNES AMMO .300 AAC BLACKOUT 120GR. JHP FB - 20 per Box Barnes JHP Rifle Every round of lead-core Barnes Ammunition is carefully engineered for maximum versatility. The jacketed hollow-point projectile delivers impressive terminal results ideal for... MSRP: Was: Now: $26.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes LONG-RANGE X .308/30Cal Reloading Bullets - 50 Count, 175Gr, LRX Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead Specifically engineered razor-sharp petals produce massive wound channels even in dense, thick-skinned game. With deeper penetration, near double diameter expansion and higher weight retention than... MSRP: $45.99 Was: Now: $42.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes VOR-TX 9mm Luger 115gr XPB - 20 rds per Box The XPB bullets deliver deep penetration and double diameter expansion for maximum weight retention and DRT performance. MSRP: $26.95 Was: Now: $23.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes TSX .308/30Cal 168Gr. Boat Tail Hollow Point Reloading Bullets - 50 Count, California Certified Nonlead These all-copper bullets have unmatched accuracy, reduced barrel fouling, and increased velocity – making them deadliest, most dependable hunting bullet you can buy. SPECS WEIGHT: ... MSRP: $42.99 Was: Now: $38.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes LONG-RANGE X .264/6.5MM 127Gr Bullets - 50 Count, LRX Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead Specifically engineered razor-sharp petals produce massive wound channels even in dense, thick-skinned game. With deeper penetration, near double diameter expansion and higher weight retention than... MSRP: $42.99 Was: Now: $37.99 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes TIPPED TSX .277/27Cal Reloading Bullets - 50 Count, 130Gr, Ballistic Tip Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead With all of the benefits of the TSX, these bullets have a polymer tip that boosts B.C. and initiates expansion. The re-engineered nose cavity provides faster expansion and devastating terminal... MSRP: $39.99 Was: Now: $37.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets MATCH BURNER Reloading Bullets -.264/6.5MM, 100 Count, 120Gr, Match Burner Boat Tail COMPETITIVE MATCH As tactical, 3-Gun and High Power competition heats up, Barnes responds with competitively priced lead core match-grade bullets. Competitive shooters looking for that “better... MSRP: $36.95 Was: Now: $32.95 Choose Options
Sale Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets LONG-RANGE X Reloading Bullets - .277/27Cal, 50 Count, 129Gr, LRX Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead LONG RANGE HUNTING Barnes LRX bullets have been developed to match the advancements in rifle accuracy and extended-range optics. The LRX features a long profile and boattail design that delivers... MSRP: $42.99 Was: $39.99 Now: $37.95 Choose Options
Sale Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets TIPPED TSX Reloading Bullets - .257/25Cal, 50 Count, 100Gr, Ballistic Tip Boat Tail, California Certified Nonlead 100-PERCENT COPPER BODY Since its introduction in 2003, Barnes' TSX Bullet has earned a reputation as "the perfect hunting bullet." Now, Barnes has improved on perfection by adding a streamlined... MSRP: $39.99 Was: $37.99 Now: $35.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets LONG-RANGE X, Reloading Bullets - .308/30Cal, 50 Count, 208Gr, LRX Boat Tail Barnes LRX bullets have been developed to match the advancements in rifle accuracy and extended-range optics. The LRX features a long profile and boattail design that delivers match-grade accuracy at... MSRP: $47.99 Was: Now: $45.95 Choose Options
Barnes Bullets Barnes Bullets MATCH BURNER Reloading Bullets - .243/6MM, 100 Count, 112Gr, Match Burner Boat Tail As tactical, 3-Gun and High Power competition heats up, Barnes responds with competitively priced lead core match-grade bullets. Competitive shooters looking for that “better mouse trap”... MSRP: $39.95 Was: Now: $34.95 Choose Options